Health Tech of the Week: CliniNote, where health requires data

Health Tech of the Week: CliniNote, where health requires data

When selecting noteworthy medical projects, I couldn’t overlook CliniNote. Created in 2020, this startup recently signed a contract with Novartis focusing on using AI to analyze clinical data in oncological hospitals.


What solutions does CliniNote offer?

CliniNote was founded by experienced HealthTech professionals: Professor Jan Poleszczuk, Rafał Szmuca, and Robert Ługowski, who decided to combine their expertise. Their joint project is already changing the approach to medical data development and could significantly impact the quality of treatment offered to patients in the future.

The solution CliniNote offers to hospitals and medical facilities involves using artificial intelligence software to create real-time medical notes and analyze them while the entry is being made. Previously, verifying the entered data was only possible post-factum. Additionally, medical staff had to input the same information multiple times into different systems, such as CRF dedicated systems for clinical trials or real-world evidence studies. The application of artificial intelligence and natural language processing (NLP) aims to expedite this process, primarily supporting doctors and patients. Patients, in particular, benefit from the structured medical notes offered by CliniNote, making it easier to use their own data contained within the notes, for example, in case of needing a second opinion (consultation) or qualifying for a clinical trial.

Press Release

What problems does CliniNote software solve?

CliniNote’s advantage lies in not requiring drastic and costly changes associated with an immediate reorganization of the entire data management system. As Robert Ługowski, CEO of CliniNote, puts it, doctors’ time is especially precious, particularly in the case of oncology patients, where efficient data processing can enable faster life-saving actions. CliniNote’s mission is to solve the long-standing dilemma associated with the need to accumulate increasingly larger amounts of data, which over the years has increased the time medical staff spend on paperwork, thereby limiting their time with patients. The startup’s founders also hope that their activity will contribute to solving the growing problem of interoperability, the connection of data from different specialized systems currently present in the healthcare industry.

Press release

How will CliniNote’s business develop in the future?

CliniNote’s goal for 2024 is to introduce the solution in major European markets such as Germany, France, Spain, Italy, as well as a Proof of Concept in the United States. They recently concluded their first round of funding, with one of the investors being the Berlin-based fund Sunfish Partners. They also signed an agreement with Novartis to implement the CliniNote solution at the Provincial Multispecialty Center for Oncology and Traumatology named after M. Kopernik in Łódź, where the solution is used for processing medical data and improving the standards of breast cancer patients according to the requirements of the National Oncology Strategy. In the future, the collaboration between the Oncology Center, Novartis, and CliniNote is expected to expand to other centers within the National Oncology Network. The solution is also utilized by the National Institute of Oncology and several hospitals in Poland. CliniNote is also involved in two pan-European projects, engaging over 20 hospitals from countries such as Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Norway, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

This Polish solution is also being recognized internationally. At the end of September this year, the Sifted portal highlighted CliniNote among European startups worth observing in the context of combating oncological diseases. The startup is also being observed by global pharmaceutical companies

HealthTech of the Week: How to take care of the quality of your sleep with Clebre?

HealthTech of the Week: How to take care of the quality of your sleep with Clebre?

Everyone knows that sleep is necessary for our health. Unfortunately, we often forget that the quality of our regeneration is affected not only by the number of hours slept but also by whether we breathe properly during sleep. Clebre is a Polish medical startup creating sensors for home sleep quality measurement connected to an application that enables convenient therapy for sleep apnea and breathing disorders during sleep. Dr. Wojciech Kukwa, co-founder and acting CEO of Clebre, shares details about the project. Read this article and get to know how to take care of the quality of your sleep!


Where did the idea for Clebre come from?

Several years ago, as part of the Healthy Sleep Foundation, we conducted almost 6,000 surveys among parents of children in the early grades of primary school. The research focused on very common problems in children—mouth breathing, snoring, restless sleep, recurrent upper respiratory tract infections. It was a fascinating study, especially because we were able to refer many children for further diagnostics and treatment in otolaryngology departments. This motivated me to search for a solution that would allow for simple and inexpensive measurements of breathing quality at home, initially in children and later in adults. A system that would enable home diagnostics and therapy for this problem.

Press Release

What was supposed to set this new solution apart?

Our screening study was entirely based on surveys filled out by parents. This means that they had to be aware of the problem and monitor their child’s sleep. Such observation can never be precise. Along with Maciej Migacz and Marcel Młyńczak, we concluded that the optimal solution would be continuous breath recording using a sensor and further, increasingly automated analysis of this signal. We built the first, very simple prototype and confirmed the functionality of this proof of concept.

What stage is the work with the device currently at?

In the coming months, we plan to produce the first series of sensors available for use. We aim to monitor sleep and breathing in both adults and children. We have a wide range of interested laryngologists who want to monitor breathing disorders in their patients using this method and assess progress in treatment.

Press release

What is the awareness of the need for diagnosing breathing disorders during sleep in Poland?

A good question! Currently, this awareness is not widespread, among potential patients as well as among doctors. However, the topic of sleep quality and breathing is becoming increasingly popular due to interest in mindfulness, a healthy lifestyle, and longevity. It’s worth mentioning that untreated apnea can shorten the life of the affected person by as much as 12-14 years!

How do you raise awareness about breathing issues?

We try to educate about breathing problems among children and women—these social groups are often overlooked in diagnostics. Along with Dr. Wojciech Falęcki, a gynecologist, we posted about the importance of breathing during pregnancy. The response from pregnant women was tremendous. Also, the issue of breathing disorders in children is widespread, and incorporating the Clebre sensor into monitoring children’s breathing will help address these problems.

What is the awareness of this issue globally?

In the EU, the US, or Australia, there is greater awareness of the problem. Diagnosis affects millions of people. However, it’s still a 'one-night diagnosis’ where the patient spends a night in the hospital connected to a complicated device. Both women and men, adults and children, are examined in the same way. Regarding sleep breathing disorders, we are where we were with hypertension treatment over 30 years ago. At that time, no patient had a blood pressure monitor at home and couldn’t control their blood pressure daily. Similarly, apnea, like hypertension, is a chronic disease that requires patient monitoring.

What is Clebre’s biggest advantage?

We are preparing a service that will eventually be so automated that it will guide the patient through the treatment process. There are many different devices that measure breathing and sleep quality. However, most of them are complex, expensive devices that will never reach patients’ homes. We are working on a solution where the application along with the sensor will allow the patient to navigate through the entire therapy process, not just measure. Of course, with medical support, but at a scale small enough to be 'scalable.’ If we want sleep medicine to be personalized, we have no choice. We need to automate this process to some extent. There are about 3.5 million people in Poland who should be diagnosed and treated for apnea. There aren’t and won’t be enough doctors to handle these patients properly. So, we are preparing a process supported by sensors and algorithms. We leave specific therapeutic steps to the doctors, such as performing a procedure or selecting a CPAP machine or an intraoral device.

Clebre is currently in the stage of preparing a series of sensors in the final production technology. The startup will develop both a medical certification line and a lifestyle line for monitoring sleep quality in individuals who do not require conventional sleep apnea treatment. An important part of the project is collecting data that will enable gradual automation of the treatment process for patients with sleep breathing disorders.