See my e-books 

How do I start communicating innovation?

Communication of new technologies in practice

Already have your idea for an innovative product, but don’t know when to start communicating it? Or are you interested in how to introduce it to others?  


In this e-book I will discuss the challenges you face when you start promoting your project. You will also find questions that you need to ask yourself in order to effectively develop a communication strategy. I will further show the characteristics of the target groups based on the diffusion of innovation curve. 


Who is it for?

  • For product ownersDuring many years of work, I have seen the challenges faced by people who want to communicate their product and I am putting this experience on (electronic) paper for you 

  • For beginners – I discuss the communication of innovation in an accessible way, so that it is valuable for more experienced people but also understandable for people who are just starting out in this topic 
  • For everyoneEveryone whose future and present are related to product communication. Nowadays, there are many solutions. It’s worth trying to make yours stand out. 

Expert opinions about the e-book

An invaluable compendium of knowledge for anyone who plans to innovate in their company in a systematic manner. The issues raised not only describe the approach to the implementation of innovation, but above all, the way to communicate it inside and outside the organization. I recommend downloading and reading this from cover to cover.

Tomasz Wesołowski

A solid dose of knowledge about communication in a nutshell. In her publication, Anita described in an extremely accessible way one of the most common challenges related to the communication of new technologies. I believe that knowledge from this e-book should be learned not only by people responsible for communication or marketing, but also by the main decision makers, founders, and managers. A big plus for popularizing diffusion of innovation theory. 

dr Łukasz Sebastian Zgiep
