Health Tech of the Week: Feyenally – Revolution in Ophthalmic Care

Health Tech of the Week: Feyenally – Revolution in Ophthalmic Care

In today’s installment of the Health Tech of The Week series, we present Feyenally, which is on a mission to deliver innovative solutions in ophthalmic care, improving the quality of life for patients and facilitating the work of professionals.


The main inspiration for creating the Feyenally startup and its application enabling self-check of vision defects – eyeTEST, was the challenge associated with the lack of ophthalmic care worldwide, especially in regions with limited access to specialists. The deficit of optometrists, i.e., individuals capable of selecting the right glasses, is huge globally. The founders of Feyenally openly say that this gap cannot be filled without the help of technology. Their project is a tool that will allow patients to examine their vision at home, eliminating the time and distance barrier between them and a specialist.

Press Release

Objective Vision Examination

The eyeTEST application allows patients to examine their eyes at home using only their smartphone. The examination is carried out without using the patient’s subjective assessment, which usually forms the basis of the vision defect diagnosis. During a basic examination, patients are often asked to provide feedback to the doctor, which can lead to errors due to subjective assessment. This can also be influenced by the time of day and environment – whether our eyes are rested or tired, whether the air is dry, etc. Utilizing objective research methods offered by eyeTEST is a step forward in improving the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment. As a result, users receive accurate and repeatable examination results, which are crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment. The eyeTEST app does not replace an ophthalmic visit but can replace a simple visit to an optometrist. Thanks to it, patients can regularly monitor their vision health and quickly respond to changes.


Support Around the World

Having accurate and quick diagnostic tools, such as eyeTEST, is extremely important for the global population with limited access to ophthalmic care. It offers a chance for early detection of vision problems and quick referral of patients for treatment, which can reduce complications and improve the quality of life. For people in some developing countries, this may be the only chance to check their vision.

Press release

Development Plans

As Mateusz Toporowicz and Piotr Kruszyński, founders of Feyenally, say, the best time to introduce such technology was yesterday, and the second-best time is today. The current moment is perfect for developing and introducing innovative solutions in ophthalmic care due to the dynamic development of technology, increasing demand for remote healthcare, and growing social awareness about the importance of prevention and health monitoring.

The company focuses on continuous improvement of algorithms and integration of new technologies to provide users with even better results and experience. Moreover, data is constantly being collected from a broader group of patients. In the coming months, Feyenally will focus on further refining the eyeTEST app and conducting pilot implementations. Work is also underway on certifying this solution as a medical device.

We invite you to continue following the „Health Tech of the Week” series, where we will discover more fascinating stories from the realm of medical technology that are changing the face of healthcare. If you are leading an innovative project in the field of new technologies and medicine or want to recommend an interesting solution, please contact us at: [email protected].

Health Tech of the Week: Calmsie – New Technologies for the Mental Health of the Youngest

Health Tech of the Week: Calmsie – New Technologies for the Mental Health of the Youngest

In today’s world, where the mental health of children is becoming an increasingly bigger challenge, Calmsie steps up to address these issues by offering innovative solutions in the field of therapy for child psychiatric disorders. I invite you to get to know the conversation with Calmsie’s CEO and founder, Marcin Waryszak, who shared more about the behind-the-scenes of the project.


Where did the idea for creating Calmsie come from?

MW: The idea for creating Calmsie was born in response to visible gaps in the child healthcare system. There is still much to be done in the area of child psychiatry, and the gaps in the system require an innovative approach, not just increased budgets. The beginnings were tied to hours-long conversations with experts, market research, and gathering feedback from parents, children, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists. This allowed us to shape a vision and define a strategy for action. Thanks to this work, we were able to create a tool that brings a fresh perspective to child psychiatry and can truly change the way we help children with emotional problems.

Press Release

Why is caring for children’s mental health issues so important now?

MW: In the United States alone, there are 15 suicide attempts by children under the age of 12 every day. This dramatic reality requires immediate intervention. Our mission within the Calmsie project is not limited to creating innovative therapeutic solutions. We also engage in activities to increase public awareness about mental health. We continuously strive to change the situation in the area of child healthcare. Our actions also include advisory work in public institutions, such as the Round Table at the Ministry of Health. Calmsie’s co-founder, Dr. Brian E. Wallace, was an expert on child mental health and a speaker during the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations. Our efforts have strengthened the message about the need to change the approach to healthcare for the youngest.

What is „Mission Amygdala” and how does it support children in learning about emotions and effective stress management strategies?

MW: Calmsie introduced Mission Amygdala – a digital platform supporting children in the fight against depression and anxiety disorders. The app transports young patients into the world of mobile games, where they take on the role of heroes saving the galaxy. Children are faced with missions that help them overcome various emotional challenges. They then interactively communicate with General Empathy – a videobot, to learn how to apply knowledge in everyday life.

How do gaming experiences increase children’s engagement in the Calmsie educational program?

MW: They are crucial for the success of the Calmsie program. Gaming experiences make therapy more engaging and accessible for children. Our games mimic typical interactions, finger movement patterns, and the intuitiveness of controls known from popular games, allowing users to easily get involved in the therapeutic process. Working with world experts in the field of gaming, we have created games that are not only attractive but also effectively convey therapeutic content.

How do you utilize artificial intelligence for this?

MW: The basis of our games is the know-how in the field of artificial intelligence, based on years of R&D research. Additionally, we use proprietary medical content, which is based on decades of clinical practice under the supervision of professors of psychiatry. The use of artificial intelligence allows for real-time interaction between the child and avatar videobots, increasing effectiveness and personalizing therapy support.

Press release

Can virtual solutions fully replace contact with a therapist?

MW: Virtual solutions can be a valuable supplement to traditional therapy, but contact with a specialist remains key for deeper understanding and empathy towards the patient. Face-to-face interaction allows the therapist to better read non-verbal signals and tailor therapy to the individual needs of the patient. The ideal solution may be the integration of both approaches, utilizing the strengths of both forms for optimal results.

What other innovations in the field of child mental health are you currently working on?

MW: One of our main areas of research and development is working on revolutionary digital biomarker technology. These innovative tools can significantly streamline the diagnostic process, monitor therapy progress, and adjust treatment to individual patient needs. By applying advanced technologies, such as data analysis, artificial intelligence, and haptic technology, we aim to create tools that are not only effective but also easy to use and accessible to a wide range of users. We are working on this among others with entities associated with Cornell and Stanford Universities.

Calmsie was awarded as the global product of the year at the Med Tech World congress in Malta and was identified by Oracle as one of the best pediatric startups in the early stage of development worldwide, confirming the effectiveness and innovation of our approach. The company sees the future of medicine in Poland and around the world as increasingly integrated with modern technologies. Implementing innovations, such as telemedicine or artificial intelligence, can bring numerous benefits, including improving the accessibility of healthcare and increasing the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment. Currently, Calmsie focuses on intensive development and expansion into new markets. This includes conducting pilot projects in Poland and the United States and analyzing opportunities for expansion in Asia, Australia, and the Scandinavian countries.

I invite you to continue following „Health Tech of The Week,” where we will explore innovations and solutions that are constantly transforming the world of medicine and healthcare, creating new treatment possibilities and improving the quality of life for patients worldwide.

If you are leading an innovative project in the field of new technologies and medicine or want to recommend an interesting solution, contact us at: [email protected]

Health Tech of the Week: The Linghos, or the Use of Gaming and AI in Pediatric Speech Therapy

Health Tech of the Week: The Linghos, or the Use of Gaming and AI in Pediatric Speech Therapy

In the latest publication from the „Health Tech of the Week” series, we present the company The Linghos (also known as Pogaduszki in Poland). I discussed what sets this company apart with the founders: Mariusz Pitura and Jakub Śledź.


Where did the idea for creating The Linghos come from? 

Mariusz Pitura: The story of The Linghos began with our own experiences as parents. Encountering speech therapy problems with our children opened our eyes to the lack of effective and accessible therapeutic tools. That was the moment when we determined that we could and should create something that would change these standards. We looked for such solutions in the App Store – and found none. Therefore, we decided to create the tool ourselves.  

Jakub Śledź: Exactly, a shared frustration and desire for our children to have a better future united us. We wanted to use our creative-technological competencies to create a solution that would be not only effective but also enjoyable for children.

What main problems do you intend to solve with your application?

JŚ: Above all, we want to address the problem of accessibility and engagement in traditional speech therapy. Thanks to The Linghos, therapy becomes more interactive, engaging, and most importantly, accessible from anywhere at any time. Adding to this our personalization system, we can ensure that each child receives therapy tailored to their individual needs and progress, significantly increasing the effectiveness of therapy.

Press Release
What makes your solution unique?

MP: The uniqueness of The Linghos lies in combining proven knowledge and speech therapy practice with the latest AI technologies and gamification. This combination allows for the creation of a personalized therapeutic path that is both effective and attractive for every child.  

JŚ: Importantly, our approach allows for continuous monitoring of progress and adjusting therapy in real-time. This dynamic approach to speech therapy is what really sets us apart. From interviews, we know that parents really need such a tool.

What technologies do you use to analyze and correct speech defects in children?

JŚ: The core of our system is based on advanced artificial intelligence algorithms capable of analyzing a child’s speech, identifying specific problems, and suggesting the most appropriate exercises.  

MP: All this is designed to ensure that therapy is as effective as possible while maintaining lightness and fun, which is key to keeping children engaged.

How does the application personalize therapy?

MP: Each adventure with The Linghos begins with a detailed assessment that allows us to understand the unique needs of each child. We know what speech defects the child has and how they should be treated. Based on this, the application creates a personalized therapy plan.  

JŚ: Thanks to continuous monitoring of progress, we are able to adjust the therapy on an ongoing basis, meaning that the therapeutic plan evolves along with the child’s progress.

Who is the target user of the application, and how do you plan to reach this group?  

JŚ: Our target users are children with speech defects and their parents who are looking for effective and modern therapy tools. We plan to reach them through social media campaigns, cooperation with educational institutions and specialists in the field of speech therapy, as well as by building awareness of our brand at conferences and industry events.  

MP: A key element of our strategy is creating valuable educational and guide content that not only highlights the need for early intervention in speech defects but also shows how our application can help in this. Social media is an ideal tool here.

What are the first reactions and feedback from users/testers of the application?

JŚ: The reactions are really encouraging. Users appreciate, above all, the intuitiveness of our application, its engaging nature, and the visible effects after a short time of use. This confirms that we are on the right track.  

MP: We also receive valuable feedback that helps us further improve The Linghos. Our user community actively participates in the process of creating a better product, which is extremely valuable to us. We often talk to users and ask them what else they feel is missing in our platform. Many of these solutions are tested and implemented.

Press release
Do you plan to develop the application with new features or adapt it to other languages and markets?

JŚ: Absolutely. We are already working on additional features that will further diversify therapy. We are also considering adapting the application to other languages to help children around the world.  

MP: Our ambitions go far beyond the current scope. We want The Linghos to become a global tool supporting speech development in children, regardless of their place of residence or the language they speak.

What are your development plans for the coming years?

JŚ: We have a vision where The Linghos is not only an application for correcting speech defects but a comprehensive platform supporting the development of the child. We want to expand our offerwith educational modules focusing on emotions, social skills, and other important aspects of development.  

MP: Of course, we do not forget about continuously improving our technology and therapeutic methods. We want each update of The Linghos to bring something new, something that will further increase the effectiveness of therapy and children’s engagement. Our goal is for The Linghos to become synonymous with innovative, effective, and child-friendly speech therapy worldwide in the coming years.

The Linghos has already gained the trust of three investment funds, and talks are underway with others. They are also recognized at many competitions related to innovations. However, my interviewees consider the increasing number of customers who make the application available to their children and recommend it to other parents to be their greatest success. Children struggling with speech problems can now go through the diagnostic process on the polish website 

I invite you to continue following the „Health Tech of the Week” series, where we will discover more fascinating stories from the world of medical technology that are changing the face of healthcare.

If you are leading an innovative project in the field of new technologies and medicine or want to recommend an interesting solution, contact us at: [email protected].

Health Tech of the Week: GeneMe Labs – The Revolution in Genetic Diagnostics

Health Tech of the Week: GeneMe Labs – The Revolution in Genetic Diagnostics

In today’s text, I introduce GeneMe Labs, a company that opens the door for us to understand how unique our genetic code is and how the information encoded in it affects our lives.


The innovation in GeneMe Laboratories’ approach is that, unlike traditional labs, the tests they conduct do not require sequencing of the entire genome but answer very specific queries instead. This can relate to genetic predispositions associated with folate metabolism – which is very important for pregnant women, predispositions to genetic diseases, or even tendencies towards addictions, which can also be hereditary.

Thanks to non-invasive saliva testing, we can learn many key pieces of information about our health. We are used to thinking that we inherit the color of our hair, eyes, or body shape. These similarities are often visible to the naked eye and do not require specialized tests. It is different when it comes to inheriting talents such as musical hearing, predispositions to intolerance of nutritional components, resistance or lack thereof, or even the mentioned propensity to addictions. This is knowledge that can radically change the approach to one’s own health and lifestyle.

Press Release

Can Talent Be „Measured”?

Research into talents, such as musical or mathematical abilities, shows that genes can influence our predispositions in these areas. GeneMe Laboratories, based on the scientific knowledge of genetics specialists, has identified genes that, in long-term population studies, have shown significant statistical differences in the talented population compared to the reference population. These differences have been described by scientists, and today we know that people with the right gene variants simply have a „better start” in these areas. This does not mean that a person with a different genetic mosaic cannot also be outstanding. It is important to remember that apart from talent, consistency and determination, and a supportive environment for development are also important.


Knowledge of Genetic Risks

Knowing your genetic predispositions is just one element of a holistic approach to taking care of your health. However, it is worth remembering that the external environment, especially long-term stress, can lead to many health problems, such as heart disease, mental disorders, or immune system issues. Knowledge about genetic risks, especially regarding predispositions to specific diseases, can provide valuable information that helps in making more informed decisions about health and lifestyle. This complements prevention and leading a healthy lifestyle. It also affects early diagnosis and health monitoring because knowing your genetic predispositions can make you more inclined to regular screenings or diagnostic tests, allowing early detection of potential health problems. Early intervention can be crucial in the treatment and management of diseases.

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Who Are Genetic Tests For?

GeneMe Labs targets a wide range of consumers – from those who care about their health and want to tailor their diet and workouts to their genotype, to those with a family history of civilization diseases or cancer. I asked Sabina Żołędowska, the President of the Board at GeneMe Laboratories, for her recommendations on tests that everyone should take:

  • I would focus on a group of civilization diseases, vitamin metabolism, and predispositions to cancer. These tests can include an analysis of genes related to predispositions to heart disease, diabetes, or tendencies toward obesity. This is a general look at health that can provide information on potential health risks. As for vitamins, I would point out folate, as the test can provide information on which form of this vitamin is best absorbed, as well as the metabolism of vitamin D, which is so important for our well-being and health.


Development Plans

Currently, GeneMe Laboratories is valued at about 20 million złoty. Plans for the coming months include opening more genetic diagnostics and sexually transmitted disease clinics. I will be interested in following the development of this company, also in the context of planned foreign expansion, including into the UK market.

Genetics is one of the tools that can help us lead a healthy and long life if we are not afraid of it and sensibly use the possibilities it offers. I invite you to continue following „Health Tech of The Week,” where we will explore innovations and solutions that are constantly transforming the world of medicine and healthcare, creating new treatment possibilities and improving the quality of life for patients worldwide.

If you are leading an innovative project in the field of new technologies and medicine or want to recommend an interesting solution, contact us at: [email protected].

Health Tech of the Week: upmedic – A Way to Streamline Medical Documentation

Health Tech of the Week: upmedic – A Way to Streamline Medical Documentation

In the latest publication from the „Health Tech of the Week” series, we present upmedic, a company founded in 2021 to streamline the process of creating and analyzing medical documentation.


Collecting and analyzing patient data is an essential element of well-tailored and effective healthcare. Unfortunately, the so-called „paperwork” that doctors, as well as the entire staff employed in clinics or clinics, have to perform, reduces the time specialists can dedicate to patients. This inspired the creators of upmedic to find a solution that will improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare by reducing the administrative burden on medical staff.

Press Release

Solution for Medical Facilities

The main clients of the startup are hospitals, clinics, medical practices, and laboratories that perform diagnostic tests and need to create and analyze medical documentation. One of the partners using upmedic’s services is PZU Zdrowie. The solution was also recognized as the best data management solution by Roche Healthcare Lab, which resulted in cooperation between the companies.

Innovations that medical facilities can benefit from include: automatic analysis of historical, unstructured clinical information in data stores, an intelligent text editor that allows for creating and analyzing structured reports, and a speech recognition tool powered by artificial intelligence. This feature, in particular, allowing the creation of a clear and convenient report without using hands, is of special importance for practitioners. Thanks to this, the note can be created automatically, during the examination and conversation with the patient.


Features That Make a Difference

What particularly distinguishes the upmedic solution from other available solutions, as the creators themselves say, is the documentation based on structured templates and checklists, making all the notes consistent and clear, regardless of who works on them. Providing over 100 templates created by experts allows customizing the note to the requirements of a specific specialist, and the possibility of creating your own patterns works well in unique situations. Another advantage is the time savings thanks to features such as: autocomplete, voice commands, highlighting, or coloring parts of the report of particular diagnostic value.

For streamlining the treatment process and faster diagnostic pathways, the most significant is the ability to search and identify groups of patients, thanks to structured reports that allow efficient filtering and finding specific data, e.g., candidates for clinical trials, patients qualifying for prophylactic programs, patients with oncological changes, etc.

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International Development

Upmedic’s services are now available not only in Polish but also in English and German. Plans include adding more languages, thus increasing the possibilities for implementing the system in other countries. upmedic’s ambition is to become a global leader in the field of intelligent software for creating and analyzing medical documentation, as well as supporting medical facilities worldwide in providing efficient healthcare.



We invite you to continue following the „Health Tech of the Week” series, where we will discover more fascinating stories from the realm of medical technologies that are changing the face of healthcare.

If you are running an innovative project in the field of new technologies and medicine or want to recommend an interesting solution, contact us at: [email protected] 

Health Tech of the Week: Emplomind, or How Employee Benefits Can Be Personal and Anonymous

Health Tech of the Week: Emplomind, or How Employee Benefits Can Be Personal and Anonymous

Emplomind, known as HearMe in the Polish market, is a platform aimed at enabling one-on-one sessions as part of employee benefits. A representative from Emplomind explains what makes this solution stand out and why conscious employers invest in tools that support the mental health of their teams: CEO Kasia Gryzło


Where did the idea for Emplomind come from?

We started working on the idea before the pandemic. At that time, the situation in Polish companies in terms of mental health was not looking good. According to a 2019 ADP report, the Polish worker was the most stressed in the entire European Union. It is also worth noting that Poles are reluctant to share information about their mental condition at work.

Reading reports and analyzing data, we realized that there are many people who have a problem and are completely alone with it. Based on this information, as well as our own experiences, we decided to help these people by creating a solution for them.

Press Release

Why should employee wellbeing be important to employers?

We are convinced that caring for the overall wellbeing of employees not only boosts their motivation and productivity but also translates into a positive atmosphere at work.

By adopting such a business model, we aim to build an organizational culture that takes a holistic approach to the employee. Employers must realize that an employee’s personal life affects their work, and mental and emotional health are crucial for professional efficiency. Our Emplomind platform allows employees to use a variety of services that improve their wellbeing, thereby increasing their job satisfaction. A successful company must invest in the wellbeing of its most important capital – people.

What was particularly important to you when creating the platform?

According to our research, to ensure that the actions were effective, it was necessary to guarantee anonymity for employees using the employee benefit. Among other platforms, we distinguish ourselves by our service being confidential. No one in the organization will know that a specific person is scheduling a session with a therapist in the Emplomind app.

What distinguishes Emplomind?

On the Polish market, there are several alternative solutions in the field of mental health, but Emplomind stands out by focusing on direct support for the employee, offering 1:1 sessions with therapists, psychologists, coaches, etc.

We focus on deeper, individual interaction. We haven’t limited ourselves to delivering educational content or tools for independent monitoring of mental health. Our startup primarily builds trusted relationships – with employees and HR departments – which is a significant advantage in today’s dynamic work environment.

Press release

From which sector do companies most often use your services?

Currently, Emplomind serves a diverse group of clients, ranging from IT sector enterprises and recruitment firms to the financial and manufacturing industries. We started in the IT environment because that is where we come from ourselves, and the dynamic development of the platform has allowed us to extend our services to companies from other industries as well.

What are your future development plans?

First and foremost, we want to increase our international expansion. We are already operating for clients from the United States, the United Kingdom, and other European countries. Our ability to serve internationally stems from having specialists who speak several languages, allowing us to operate effectively on a global scale and deliver our services to clients from different regions of the world. We are keen to make Emplomind available to as wide a group of employees around the world as possible.

Additionally, we are intensifying efforts to increase awareness of the importance of mental health. We want to engage in social and educational initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of caring for mental health both at work and beyond.

I invite you to continue following „Health Tech of the Week,” where we will explore innovations and solutions that are constantly transforming the world of medicine and healthcare, creating new treatment possibilities and improving the quality of life for patients around the world.

If you are leading an innovative project in the field of new technologies and medicine or want to recommend an interesting solution, please contact us at: [email protected].