In the latest edition of the HealthTech of the Week series, we highlight the innovations of the Semi Robotics team with their device, FIDI. This highly needed device was created in response to the real needs of people with disabilities and their caregivers. The use of modern technologies, including artificial intelligence, has led to the development of a feeding robot that is not only functional but also intuitive to use. The creators aimed to provide users with greater independence and comfort while reducing the burden on caregivers.


We also became acquainted with the Semi Robotics team during the Mother and Child Startup Challenge organized by the Mother and Child Institute. It was one of the projects that sparked discussions about supporting disabilities in daily life. We had the chance to ask the creators about their inspirations, challenges, user feedback, and future plans. The team is led by Krzysztof Stelmach, the CEO of the brand, who, like the rest of the team, prefers to shorten the distance and simply go by his first name. Together with him, Izabela and Paweł also provided answers to our questions.

As they unanimously admit from the start, the project was born out of the need to find an alternative to manual care in situations where traditional support was difficult to access. The challenges included both the high costs of available devices and their complicated operation. FIDI fills this gap by offering a solution that is simple to use and reasonably priced.

– We came across an interesting opinion from a person who takes care of dependent patients in a medical unit on a daily basis. She stated that if she had four such robots at her facility, she would be able to feed a room of five in 20 minutes. The robots would feed four of them, and she would take care of the one requiring the most care quietly. Currently, she spends more than an hour doing this – Paul adds – We live in an aging society, so this kind of feedback shows that our device solves a rather important problem.

Press Release

Intuitive and Safe Solutions

The feeding robot by Semi Robotics utilizes artificial intelligence, including machine learning, a 3D camera, and a set of sensors that enable it to analyze the user’s movements and gestures. This allows the device to adjust the feeding pace and respond to the individual needs of the person being fed, eliminating the need for manual control.

It’s worth noting that FIDI was designed to be ready to work immediately after being powered on, without requiring complex setup. It detects the user’s presence, recognizes their face and facial expressions, and in the future, it will enable users to start feeding themselves using specific gestures. The device handles a variety of food textures – from soups and purees to solid dishes, which only need to be cut into smaller pieces. This approach allows FIDI to be widely applied in various care environments.

The entire team agrees that one of the key challenges was ensuring the device’s ease of use, especially for older adults and people with disabilities. The robot is equipped with safety systems that minimize the risk of errors, such as spilling food or unintended contact with the user. FIDI brings the spoon close to the user’s mouth, giving the individual the ability to decide when to take a bite. During testing, various situations occurred, but one particularly memorable incident stood out to Semi Robotics.

– During one of the tests, a person being fed suddenly leaned over the device, causing a collision with the spoon. Thanks to the safety mechanisms, the spoon detached from the arm and fell to the floor, causing no harm. This case confirmed the effectiveness of the protective systems, which minimize risks in such situations –  recalls Krzysztof.

Press release

An Innovation That Changes Daily Life

FIDI is more than a modern robot – it’s support for people with mobility limitations, an improvement in their quality of life, and a relief for caregivers. The project demonstrates that innovation can begin by solving everyday problems, transforming the lives of individuals and entire communities. The creators emphasize that their mission is to combine technology with humanism, offering solutions that genuinely impact the comfort and independence of users. With FIDI, the future of care becomes more accessible, modern, and user-friendly for everyone.

– Our immediate plans are focused on testing and improving the FIDI robot in real-life conditions of use. Thanks to our distinction in the Mother and Child Startup Challenge competition and in the Warsaw Booster program, we have gained the opportunity to conduct tests in hospitals, nursing homes and hospices – Izabela says – Our priority is to develop technology that will realistically make life easier for people with disabilities and their caregivers, as well as ensure high quality and reliability in everyday use – she adds.

Currently, FIDI is undergoing intensive testing in hospitals, hospices, and care homes such as the University Clinical Center in Gdańsk and the Warsaw Care and Treatment Center. The results of these tests will help refine the device and confirm its effectiveness in everyday use. The creators also plan to begin the CE certification process, which will pave the way for introducing FIDI to the European market. Further plans include certifications for the United Kingdom and the United States.

Stay tuned for more in the “Health Tech of the Week” series, where we’ll continue to uncover fascinating stories from the world of medical technologies that are changing the face of healthcare. If you’re working on an innovative project in the field of new technologies and medicine or want to recommend an interesting solution, contact us at: [email protected].